Information to save lives with: feedbackr at the 8th Congress for Emergency Medical Aid
Constantly present, yet hardly at the forefront of our minds: every year, emergency medical aid is making astonishing progress in the field of first aid practise, schooling and awareness raising. Small wonder the department never rests in order to find and apply new insights at every occasion.

feedbackr in use: easy and uninterrupted participation for every visitor
The 8th Congress for Emergency Medical Aid, organised by the Styrian AGN consortium took place March 31st through April 2nd at Messezentrum Graz. A podium discussion marked the beginning, preparing visitors for topics awaiting them throughout the upcoming two days. Every year the AGN – a non-profit community now working together for 25 years – assembles doctors, paramedics and medical students to share and exchange subject-specific and interdisciplinary information about various fields of medical research.
The first full congress day commenced with a keynote concerning CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) procedures and ended on a Norwegian guest lecture, calling upon everyone not only in the audience: „It takes every single one to save a life.“ feedbackr supported the initial questioning of the audience, “breaking the ice” and gathering first information on their knowledge and experience.
Can care hit rock bottom? Giving point to audience discussion with feedbackr
This year’s agenda included key aspects of care, accident ambulance, emergency aid as well as scientific research and innovation relevant to the subject. Immediate traumatology, cardiological challenges (such as sudden cardiac death during sports) or the disastrous Ebola virus were equally present topics for debate. That aside, the AGN congress is always a platform for meta discussion. Leadership policy in medical institutions, as well as geriatric emergencies and subsequent ethical conflicts left ample room for professional discussion and exchange of views.
Discussions between doctors, students and podium participants zoomed in on one central question. Even in times of optimised predictability and minimised risk – when and where will provided care “hit rock bottom”? What limitations will even the best-educated and prepared team face and how will they react accordingly and to their best avail?
Using feedbackr, presenters and organisers were able to equip several agenda points as a barometer of public opinion as well as a questioning tool. “Are anaesthetists real doctors?” would be one of the slightly tongue-in-cheek questions posed to the public, which could afterwards be taken as a discussion trigger.

Ice-breaker and questioning tool: feedbackr first (and often humorously) engages the audience, then works with their impromptu opinions and knowledge at hand.
Thanks to immediate direct response results, hosts could react accordingly to propositions and abbreviate topics that were considered sufficiently covered. The 8th Congress for Emergency Medical Aid proved every bit as insightful and effectual as the previous years – another milestone in life-saving information, made accessible right where it is needed now and in the future.